Friday, March 4, 2011

Can A Stomach Bug Stop Period

Sixty-eight, and amnesia bunga bunga ...

In a way it makes me smile the recent demonstration in place by the "fairer sex ", took to the streets in several Italian cities to reaffirm the " Dignity of Women." I smile, of course, because in this case the woman took to the streets to protest against herself, against her longed-for and achieved freedom "to choose and do ", then showing against his emancipation. It is as if the woman protested, as "female", had been wronged by discriminating "stronger sex", an outrage, an act of violence and therefore an act not wanted. But to better understand the speech must be a return to the news recently where a certain Ruby -but-she has not only against the hierarchy "of she road" to switch from simple escort "So we use this euphemism-so fashionable now-a favorite of the realm, all thanks to" smutandate "scrolls made in areas that count. And assuming all " sessantottino " reading " her pussy is mine and give it to whoever I want "-although Ruby and company have come after by age-I do not see where it is dirty, just as the Woman getting rid of the taboo that in years gone saw the sexually-submissive-man, he decided his " revolution" in terms of costumes, equating them in tutto e per tutto all'uomo, col risultato che finalmente era lei a decidere " come, dove quando e con chi" , quindi figura attiva e non più passiva. Una certa parte politica esaltò il fatto come " momento storico della donna " che con quella ribellione si era liberata da certi pregiudizi, quelli che per secoli avevano sentenziato che se l'uomo va a donne " è un gallo ", mentre la donna che va a uomini " è una zoccola ". Libertà dunque, e basta una volta per tutte dei vecchi pregiudizi. Quindi fa strano che oggi, 42 anni dopo la " conquista ", una certa parte di donne sia scesa in piazza per difendere a spada tratta la propria "dignità", dignity among other things that I do not see anyone because it is trampled upon by the Moroccan Ruby and all the other "colleagues" have not been ensnared or forced to "smutandarsi" against their will, but well aware of and willing to live their hand " bunga-bunga "free, just as the doctrine" sessantottino "preached. Women from the mind short or deceitful politics, which in this case has "manipulated " the woman carrying it to the streets to demonstrate against his freedom. Instead of doing a can-can, just remember that she has always had "an edge" over, because it has been-and will! - She always holds the key that opens all doors, those dei cuori, dei portafogli e dei palazzi che contano. Tutto sta nel saperla utilizzare quella chiave, appunto: con dignità, anche se le donne che hanno manifestato tutto ciò lo hanno taciuto...


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