Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Rated Dishwashers

Earthquakes, tsunamis and the Mayan calendar ...

The first earthquake with magnitude 9.5, has unleashed May 22, 1960 in Chile, with its epicenter in Valdivia, producing a tsunami with waves up to 25 meters. Three thousand dead and two million displaced people. On March 28, 1964 another shock with magnitude 9.2 shocked 's Alaska. The tsunami that ensued hitting the close of Prince William shook up Anchorage with 131 deaths. Memory is still vivid in the earthquake of magnitude 9.1 the December 26, 2004 occurred in Sumatra with its epicenter in the Indian Ocean. The giant tsunami waves on the coast of finite Somalia and Kenya cause 230 000 deaths. On February 27, 2010 an earthquake of magnitude 8.8 causes 452 deaths in Bio Bio in Chile . The Earth's axis is shifted 8 inches. The last in order of time is what happened Friday, March 11, 2011 in Japan with magnitude 9. The earthquake is the collapse of the dam Fujinuma by pouring water in the valley that sweeps away the city of Sukagawa , and joined the wave of the tsunami (photos)-preliminary estimates causes March 13-more than 10,000 dead. The Earth's axis is shifted by 16 cm. Among the damage is alert for a nuclear explosion in the nuclear power plant in Fukushima with leakage of radioactive material. The psychosis of the end of the world scheduled for December 21, 2012 increases now more than ever, also enhanced by strange and sinister events that took place recently: thousands of dead birds falling from the sky at the same time and in different continents and sudden fish deaths floating in the seas around the world. A Revelation also provided by Maya the timetable, strange case, it ends right at midnight on this day. That everything that happened is just a taste of what lies ahead? ...


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