Monday, February 14, 2011

Carnival Cruise Lines

Lampedusa: Welcome to Italy ... Ich

Oltre 5000 extracomunitari, quasi tutti provenienti dalla Tunisia, sono sbarcati in questi giorni a Lampedusa . Storia vecchia come il mondo e solito solfa dei nostri rappresentanti: " Faremo di tutto per affrontare anche questa nuova emergenza ". Ah, bene. L'italiano a questo punto pensa che i 5000 fuoriusciti saranno radunati, magari rifocillati e poi rispediti a casa. No, non è così. Con dei voli aerei i soggetti in questione saranno invece trasportati nei Centri Identificazione ed Espulsione sparsi per lo Stivale e poi...rispediti home? No, we are "politically correct " , then let them drain-maybe a little 'piece-meal-for Italy. The Press headline: "A biblical exodus towards Lampedusa . Title effect, of course, but Italy is not the " Promised Land"! It 'a nation-as-the rest of Europe on the brink of an economic abyss that only we know, a nation that has 2,138,000 unemployed (source: Economy & Business), and that in spite of these 100,000 are immigrants, the new year will double with the new decree on immigration recently launched by the Government, which gives the green light for entry into Italy of other 100,000 foreign workers, and that " if mathematics is not an opinion- as stated on the blog of Beppe Grillo -, in Italy, we will have a total of 200,000 unemployed " immigrants, I might add . " We came to Italy because there is no work in Tunisia " say some of these, " and here you can eat" . Exodus Bible ... But if there is no work for the natives, as will "eat " newcomers? But someone on the chaos in Italy will gain, then the motto of "who cares if Italy sinks", applauded the new invasion of the associations operating assistance -paid by the State -then we, then transport companies, of catering to services and so on and so forth. Thanks to the new desperate then there will be moonlighting a third of the salary of an Italian laborers for delinquency -don't forget that escaped from the prison of Tunis 600 offenders including the flower-flower cut-throat- owners hovels that fatten their bank accounts, renting a mind-boggling prices their crumbling local , crooks of every stripe ready with false residence permits to sell like hot cakes, and so on. So here it is the "Promised Land" through the "culture of acceptance" and "politically correct". Based on the buses, many of these were desperate finger victory sign. I was left with a doubt have meant "we did " referring to the defeat of bad luck or whether it applied to us that meant "even if we do not want now we are here and here we are ... Dunno, we'll know later ....


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