Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quotes On Congratulation On New Promotions

But you know who I am!? Kudos to Luca Sanna

" Come on! I'm not a chicken thief, but one who took out life sentences for four people and collected a total of 260 years in prison, and more respect for me, urca !" It must have gone well, and bring it back on paper is a report of the Secretary of the Judicial Police Prison Michele Di Sciacca, and the reason for so much anger is a normal control of the police against Vallanzasca Renato, who and his wife had just taken possession of a room in a hotel in Mondragone, a town in the province of Caserta. Also according to the complaint, Vallanzasca would not have liked the many questions put by police during testing, hence the outburst to feel that " persecuted" by the police. And like any "haunted " , to address the threat to newspapers and tivvù to denounce "the abuse immediately" to the whole nation. For those fleeting memories, remember that Renato Vallanzasca , nicknamed "the beautiful René " in the 70s was the protagonist of robberies, kidnappings and killings, daring escapes from the nation's prisons and finally sentenced to four life sentences . But since nothing is more ephemeral of a life sentence-let alone 4! - The charismatic boss of the gang of Comasina enjoys the " outside work", that the freedom given to convicts who have already served more than a dozen years of age to play during the day for a job outside prison. But now for the "beautiful Rene " things could go wrong, because after the complaint forwarded to the Justice Minister, Angelino Alfano threatens to wipe out the hours of air provided for the benefit of the work. A fact that says much about our system of justice applied, so that the network already rained comments, as quello apparso sotto l'articolo pubblicato sul " Corriere online " a firma di " Cassandra " :
"Ora capite perché gli Stati Uniti non vogliono quasi mai estradare detenuti condannati per crimini commessi nel loro Paese. Da Wikipedia: Silvia Baraldini fu condannata nel 1983 a una pena cumulativa di 43 anni di carcere negli Stati Uniti per concorso in evasione, associazione sovversiva, due tentate rapine e ingiuria al tribunale. Dopo la condanna si sono sviluppati negli Stati Uniti e in Italia gruppi di appoggio che ritenevano la pena sproporzionata e persecutoria. Il forte sostegno alla sua causa da parte dei partiti della sinistra ha portato alla sua estradizione in Italia nel 1999. According to some, this concession was a counterpart produced by the government D'Alema for supporting the U.S. war in Kosovo. After a few years under house arrest, Silvia Baraldini was released from prison on September 26, 2006 due to indult. "No need to comment so ...

( photo: Renato Vallanzasca in a photo of the )


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