Thursday, December 9, 2010

Loreal Vs Schwarzkopf Hair Straightening

Musica? Roba da infedeli...

The little 15 year old Muslim, Middle school students in Reggello (Fi), along with books and notebooks in his bag also has a cap. And woe to forget it. But it is not the cold of this latitude in the world to her hostile temperature, but to plug your ears during the hour of music that is planning the class. So there it was, with his earphones on his head when the teacher enters the classroom of music, away from any contamination and foreign music to the world that surrounds it. He sees friends who might sing, music theory, beat the four quarters by calculating the right amount of time between a minimum and semi-minimal, an eighth and a semi-demisemiquaver, but she is not, at least with the hearing. Whole hour, then when the teacher greets and leaves, via the headphones and once again present. Poor baby, fought between the West and the East freer ee rearmost, yes, because these clowns, gliel'ha imposta suo padre Omar, un marocchino "osservante": " Mia figlia è felice di seguire le regole del Corano, e la nostra religione ci obbliga a non studiare la musica, è scritto nei testi sacri..." E per far sembrare tutto lecito aggiunge poi: " Non mi sento un fanatico, ma un fedele alle credenze musulmane, credo di essere il primo in Italia ad aver sollevato questo problema, ma sono contento, e lo rifarei ". E bravo il nostro Omar, ma altrettanto "bravo" è l'assessore alle politiche sociali di Reggello Daniele Bruschettini , il quale invece di contestare il gesto, usa il condizionale ammettendo che " gli islamici ' dovrebbero' adapt to the culture of their host country " instead of using the present tense" must . "The school's principal Natali Vilma is even more" soft "and being" a beautiful soul and very politically correct "rejoicing of the solution" because it makes agree father and teachers, "without specifying that this time our response came" bowing his head and putting prone. "But at this point was having received the highest opinion of 'local imam, who has widened his eyes off the dismay of the act by claiming but no, there must be a misunderstanding anzi, ha appoggiato il volere del suo connazionale, ammettendo lemme lemme che "tutto deve essere correlato alla scelta educativa della singola famiglia" , come per dire " se lui vuole così, che così sia ". Qualche parere giunto dai lettori del " Corriere online" dove si parla del caso? " Pazzesco " -dice firmandosi ' Lettore 90569 7'- " ma che ci viene a fare gente così nell'Occidente corrotto e infedele" ? " Oriana Fallaci aveva ragione " sentenzia invece ' bapilu' , che scrive ancora " siamo un popolo senza dignità nazionale e ci caliamo le braghe di fronte al più stupid bigoted Islamic . The 'Player 1868491 ' jokes on "Good thing is a moderate Islamic family. Others would probably cut off her ears to her daughter. It 'really necessary to fill our cities of these people "? Yeah, it's true, so that the' Player 1868484 'gives the answer without asking the question:" with similar conditions, the clash with Islam will inevitable. "And the Minister of Education Maria Stella Gelminini do you think? You have the answer ...


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