Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shower Door Magnet Replacement

Festival di Sanremo: boredom that beard ...

More than the Festival of Sanremo in itself, the songs have the ball at the foot of the whole event, and also last night's edition has enhanced the paucity of ideas and content. Too bad, because despite having a character at the helm " above all suspicion " as Gianni Morandi, this 61st edition is spun off in a crescendo of yawns and disappointment. Perhaps expectations are too exalted then that ruins the content, because this time-but you will never learn! - The wait has been spasmodic, with a succession of television services on those directly concerned, the gossip of Belen Rodriguez and on ' unknown factor that has kept the world breathless female Italian: "But arrive in Sanremo your boyfriend George Clooney ? repeated ad nauseum to the second " bellona " della serata Elisabetta Canalis. E in tutto questo bailamme di voci si è smarrito il buon Gianni Morandi, il "vecchio" ragazzo di Monghidoro che di Sanremi ne ha fatti un buon numero da cantante di successo, alcuni dei quali addirittura quando la nostra televisione era ancora in bianco e nero. Ma siccome la Rai abbonda, ecco che a questo trio di presentatori ne hanno aggiunti altri due, ovvero la coppia " Luca & Paolo ", al secolo Luca Bizzarri e Paolo Kessisoglu , e il loro apporto è stato il duetto comico "Ti sputtanerò", ovvero una parodia in musica della situazione Berlusconi-Fini "We sputtanerò with some movies that give the Bocassini where you are, and show women over the cubes, and put us well Ruby", and answer "I sputtanerò will be a bit 'my worm, with home in Monaco, your relatives, wives and oxen ". Evvabbè, as if it had the "Festival of Song," but a program of "Year Zero . This is all a meatloaf went on until late at night with the announcement that "tomorrow is replicated with the young." Ah, I forgot the songs? At 14 there is to save just one run, that of Roberto Vecchioni entitled "Call me love again", then everything else is boring. Un po' poco, ma l'ho detto all'inizio. La palla al piede del Festival sono proprio le canzoni...


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