Monday, February 28, 2011

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Honor to Lieutenant Massimo Ranzani

Ancora una vittima italiana in Afghanistan. E' il tenente Massimo Ranzani, 37 anni, (foto) appartenente al quinto reggimento alpini di stanza a Vipiteno. Altri quattro commilitoni che erano con lui sono rimasti gravemente feriti pur non versando in pericolo di vita. La pattuglia si trovava a bordo di un mezzo militare blindato Lince, dilaniato da una " mina terrestre " fatta esplodere da un mujaheddin al suo passaggio. It 's the 37th Italian victim in this distant arena of war, a war increasingly estranged and increasingly it does not happen by the Italian population. For the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano is " deep mourning for this latest victim," over expression of his "feelings of solidarity sharing in the grief of family members . For the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi everything instead " is a torment, an ordeal, and every time we wonder whether our sacrifice to be there in that country still has a medieval effort that goes through" , while the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa talks about " toll once again pay our guys . Simply, do not pay more, we have already paid too much, and it is time for residents to leave the task to set things right. Lt. Massimo Ranzani lived with his parents, dad Mario, 62, and mother Ione, 58, in Santa Maria Maddalena in the town of Occhiobello in the province of Rovigo. The arrival in Italy of the remains of the Fallen is scheduled for Wednesday, March 2. Honor the fallen
Massimo Ranzani .

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Yara, 13, and 6 knives ...

Yara, 13, and 6 knives. A fallow field his grave, and hundreds of volunteers that I passed. Without finding it. No, something is wrong: It is the largest deployment of the forces in the field? And this time the dogs were not only more "research" but even with a higher gear as "molecular"? And what does it mean that their path led them on several occasions in those industrial buildings under construction? And the testimony of a young man and a night watchman who claimed to have seen something the night of the disappearance? And the Moroccan laborer arrested and released? No, something is wrong. It 'a kidnapping ended in the worst way then, but also surveys a bad start, if we think that the alarm raised by the family is taken away. What did not work in first moments? What precious minutes were lost before taking control of the situation? Were implemented checkpoints road? It was Nov. 26 last year when Yara Gambirasio , (photo) promise of artistic dance disappears into thin air and reappear out of nowhere, exactly three months later, on Saturday, February 26, 2011. Lying supine in the meadow with shrubs in the area of \u200b\u200bIsland Chignolo about nine miles from Brembate and close to the course of the stream Dordi . Find is a guy who was there to check out his plane, a flying remote controlled model. No one was ever aware of his body soaked by the time, after repeated passages volunteers and, most recently about 200 local hunters, who just recently there had made a meticulous search for a census of hares existing site. Not for them a vague vision of what was hiding in the bushes, with fathomed " meticulous diligence." No, something is wrong. Claiming that the body has been transported there by Yara on the day of discovery is folly, because three months after the death would have been difficult if not impossible to bring it back intact and not broken up and then, as the investigators claimed after an initial examination, " beneath that there was a body of advanced process verminosis due to long storage site . So? The mystery is all here and the only thing certain are the traces of those six shots inflicted knife found on the wrists, throat and shoulders. So the defense has little Yara to his assailant, he tried to flee and those behind the show blows. Then she was overwhelmed. Thirteen years flew away with his dream girl, a future as a dancer, her sweet smile captured in the photos on that machine to reach the teeth with ease, to the split in the gym, those big eyes and confident in innocence of his age. The monster is still around, but now they say the investigators, " now it is easier to locate." Which is found and then put it inside a cell no possibility to get out more. Indeed, not to "run into temptation", as unfortunately it is our habit, we throw away the key ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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what cost to the raft Italy?

The focus of the protest spreads. After Tunisia, are on fire 's Egypt ' s Algeria, Mauritania the the Morocco, Libya and Djibouti. But there is also tension in Iran in Kuwait in Bahrain and Yemen in . From the Maghreb to the Gulf so it is rebellion, and escape. And while Libya is trying to quell the uprising-that at the time said to have already been 300 deaths and over 700 wounded-, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi issued a warning to ' entire Europe, " If Brussels and Member States will not stop supporting the insurgency in Libya cease all cooperation in migration management . In short, if Europe is "indifferent " will not be his own business instead of supporting the rebels, will instead be "mind your own" the results of this position. Something is in fact already begun, and those are more than 5,000 Tunisians arrived on the coast of Lampedusa shorting out the island and its people. But now the game is different. If the block so far been implemented by the Libyan Navy avoided the worst, falling short of the invasion from the sea hangs threatening, if we consider the number of riots taking place in the North African country. So as Europe is organizing? How will it react to the invasion is not total? In the first row is the ' Italy, and this is frightening, because already the first responses to the invasion of Tunisia left stunned Italians, first of all the Sicilians, the news that "the new arrivals will be accommodated in housing left behind by American soldiers who served in Sigonella . A "Solidarity Village " in the "Orange Tree Residence" located in the territory of Mineo (Catania), or in a residential area with lots of first class baseball field, playground and lawn, all fenced. Accommodation offered a dream illegal and therefore closed to many "homeless " Italians who always seek accommodation. In all this, the mayor of Mineo, (5000 inhabitants, as many newcomers!), Maurizio Siragusa But there is, and he says it loud and clear by sending a stop right politicians, Maroni in the first place, although the reasons for its refusal to factors " logistical and structural . But if this is the remedy found, what will our government in front of those one hundred thousand new arrivals on our costs in the next few days, weather permitting? And finally, but it is thought sensible " all-Italian" to resolve the situation by giving hospitality to all the dispossessed of the world? But would not it be more logical and intelligent return them immediately to their home and help economically the countries of origin so that they can solve their problems with the work? The "raft " Italy is in bad waters. What costs will dock and save ourselves? The near future will tell ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Festival di Sanremo: boredom that beard ...

More than the Festival of Sanremo in itself, the songs have the ball at the foot of the whole event, and also last night's edition has enhanced the paucity of ideas and content. Too bad, because despite having a character at the helm " above all suspicion " as Gianni Morandi, this 61st edition is spun off in a crescendo of yawns and disappointment. Perhaps expectations are too exalted then that ruins the content, because this time-but you will never learn! - The wait has been spasmodic, with a succession of television services on those directly concerned, the gossip of Belen Rodriguez and on ' unknown factor that has kept the world breathless female Italian: "But arrive in Sanremo your boyfriend George Clooney ? repeated ad nauseum to the second " bellona " della serata Elisabetta Canalis. E in tutto questo bailamme di voci si è smarrito il buon Gianni Morandi, il "vecchio" ragazzo di Monghidoro che di Sanremi ne ha fatti un buon numero da cantante di successo, alcuni dei quali addirittura quando la nostra televisione era ancora in bianco e nero. Ma siccome la Rai abbonda, ecco che a questo trio di presentatori ne hanno aggiunti altri due, ovvero la coppia " Luca & Paolo ", al secolo Luca Bizzarri e Paolo Kessisoglu , e il loro apporto è stato il duetto comico "Ti sputtanerò", ovvero una parodia in musica della situazione Berlusconi-Fini "We sputtanerò with some movies that give the Bocassini where you are, and show women over the cubes, and put us well Ruby", and answer "I sputtanerò will be a bit 'my worm, with home in Monaco, your relatives, wives and oxen ". Evvabbè, as if it had the "Festival of Song," but a program of "Year Zero . This is all a meatloaf went on until late at night with the announcement that "tomorrow is replicated with the young." Ah, I forgot the songs? At 14 there is to save just one run, that of Roberto Vecchioni entitled "Call me love again", then everything else is boring. Un po' poco, ma l'ho detto all'inizio. La palla al piede del Festival sono proprio le canzoni...

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Lampedusa: Welcome to Italy ... Ich

Oltre 5000 extracomunitari, quasi tutti provenienti dalla Tunisia, sono sbarcati in questi giorni a Lampedusa . Storia vecchia come il mondo e solito solfa dei nostri rappresentanti: " Faremo di tutto per affrontare anche questa nuova emergenza ". Ah, bene. L'italiano a questo punto pensa che i 5000 fuoriusciti saranno radunati, magari rifocillati e poi rispediti a casa. No, non è così. Con dei voli aerei i soggetti in questione saranno invece trasportati nei Centri Identificazione ed Espulsione sparsi per lo Stivale e poi...rispediti home? No, we are "politically correct " , then let them drain-maybe a little 'piece-meal-for Italy. The Press headline: "A biblical exodus towards Lampedusa . Title effect, of course, but Italy is not the " Promised Land"! It 'a nation-as-the rest of Europe on the brink of an economic abyss that only we know, a nation that has 2,138,000 unemployed (source: Economy & Business), and that in spite of these 100,000 are immigrants, the new year will double with the new decree on immigration recently launched by the Government, which gives the green light for entry into Italy of other 100,000 foreign workers, and that " if mathematics is not an opinion- as stated on the blog of Beppe Grillo -, in Italy, we will have a total of 200,000 unemployed " immigrants, I might add . " We came to Italy because there is no work in Tunisia " say some of these, " and here you can eat" . Exodus Bible ... But if there is no work for the natives, as will "eat " newcomers? But someone on the chaos in Italy will gain, then the motto of "who cares if Italy sinks", applauded the new invasion of the associations operating assistance -paid by the State -then we, then transport companies, of catering to services and so on and so forth. Thanks to the new desperate then there will be moonlighting a third of the salary of an Italian laborers for delinquency -don't forget that escaped from the prison of Tunis 600 offenders including the flower-flower cut-throat- owners hovels that fatten their bank accounts, renting a mind-boggling prices their crumbling local , crooks of every stripe ready with false residence permits to sell like hot cakes, and so on. So here it is the "Promised Land" through the "culture of acceptance" and "politically correct". Based on the buses, many of these were desperate finger victory sign. I was left with a doubt have meant "we did " referring to the defeat of bad luck or whether it applied to us that meant "even if we do not want now we are here and here we are ... Dunno, we'll know later ....

Friday, February 11, 2011

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festecciare Italien? Nein!

Evvabbè, it happens too. With € 25,600 per month salary (Source 2008), Luis Durnwalder, ( photos ) President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano is suddenly reminded of his origins, and he did it when we are celebrating the 150th year of the Unity ' Italy. And what does he say? "We do not celebrate anything because we feel Germans." Sure it takes a courage-if not in-cheek, to pronounce certain words, because I feel very petty " German" in the soul, but " Italian" in making a similar salary, money in the end bestowed own the land that he despises. At this point? As usual, we Italians are "masters" in dealing with situations of conflict, therefore, from the Hill, the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano , heard the news, had suffered a "great battle" (? ) with the rebel Durnwalder. What did he do? He expressed his "surprise and regret ", something that "sounds more or less newspeak" boh, in short, just a bit 'as you please ... "The Web has done rather better understood. On the" Corriere online "a reader who calls himself" Obelix 58 "throws it down like this:" I signor Durnwalder is an Italian national, holds a public office, Italian for which it receives a fee paid by the taxpayers Italian. If he really wants to become the guinea Germans, acting on them, you give to benefices and advantages that his position gives him and go out of the box, emigrate, go to those who so admires, and see if he will succeed beyond the play of biting the hand where he eats . "The reader who signed 2151 instead poses a question:" Many want to annex Austria, South Tyrol, Austria pity that in the last 60 years has never asked Italy for the return of South Tyrol. I doubt that the Austrians do not want them .. . "Read the classics of the past will uncover many truths," servile Italy, grief's hostelry ship without a pilot in great storm, not women of Provinces, but brothel ... "Yeah, Dante knew a lot ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Sex, Money and Success ...

Here it is the art , that in its highest meaning "sublimation intellectual and human capacity." Here it is the trump card to ensure that they open the doors, and dreams in one night, come true. "I or to get I worked hard for success like a dog "yet you continue to feel around, adding" and have never compromised . "If there was still good Toto blurt out a loud" but do me the pleasure! " ... The moral degradation of all is there, but if the cannon fodder is represented by these" youngsters smutandate ", Assatanate success of sex and money," director " in many cases in a family: "Go being raised that we settle all " we hear from fathers, mothers or siblings in interceptions in the hands of investigators. Prostitution in exchange for a lift to the success then, then, with the fame and money will return to the moral virginity intact. " I think that in practical life we \u200b\u200bcan achieve real success, as long as unscrupulous ambition is always unscrupulous ." He said Oscar Wilde, adding however that " beauty reveals everything because it does not express anything .
I wonder if these girls know who Oscar Wilde ...
( photo: Sara Tommasi, entangled with a dozen of "colleagues" in the mud of Arcore )

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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The mystery of Alessia and Silvia

Where are Alessia Livia and Schepp, ( photos) the Swiss twins aged 6 games in the car with dad Matthias from Lausanne (Switzerland), and committed suicide after a long journey in a train station in Cerignola ? And 'why holding my breath three countries affected by the wandering of a desperate man, and the mystery becomes more dense. The adventure of the man and his two children began on Jan. 30, when he took his Audi, a man leaves Lausanne and crosses the border between Switzerland and France. The next day, from Marseille send a card to his wife, the Italian Irina Lucidi, with a message that now takes on a tragic significance: " I can not live without you . Also in Marseilles, Matthias Schepp withdraws from the ATM € 7,500, and with these, bought three tickets for the ferry Marseille-Propriano, Corsica . But the two girls are still with him? Three tickets are validated at the check-in, then it is assumed that three people are on board. The two following days without a particular track, even if it is determined that the man is Feb. 3 at Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), and evidence taken, the man eating alone in a restaurant of the Amalfi Coast . And the girls? Of them are untraceable. Were left in Corsica? Italy are somewhere in the South? At 22.45 hours the same day the drama explodes with all its tragedy: a man throws himself under a train in the station Cerignola (Foggia) . In his clothes are found by the police € 100. And the rest? Can not have spent € 7,400 in three days, then? Have been given to someone to take care of two little girls? It 'a hope that the investigators do not rule until it is discovered that two days before his father sent his ex-wife € 5000 together with the letters, bearing the postmark of Cerignola, then resort where man took his life. And the anxiety about the fate of twins increases dramatically. Conflicting testimony and do not help bring clarity. The restaurant of the Amalfi Coast remembers the man who congratulated for the goodness of pizza, but also notes "that was absolutely alone." It was among the passengers the ferry to Corsica on which to find the man with his daughters, in addition to the crew no one recalls having noticed a father with two twins, so you think that girls are never left for Italy? The police of three countries, as well as various civil protections are in alarm, and research continues apace. Where is Alessia and Silvia? Are in the safe hands of someone? And why are not returned to his mother? Mystery. The only certainty in the hands of investigators so far are the remains of a man destroyed by the pain of a love gone and torn to pieces by the wheels of a train station in Cerignola Est

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Tragedy and rhetoric, a habit

the human tragedy strikes. When si tratta di bambini è una sconfitta per l'intero sistema. E parlo dei quattro piccoli rom periti nel rogo della loro baracca nel campo nomadi di Roma dove vivevano con i genitori. Quattro fratellini di età compresa tra i 4 e gli 11 anni dunque. Per loro, pur nella giovanissima età, una vita mai vissuta. Una tragedia dunque, e fin qui, dolore per queste quattro vite spezzate. Oggi, purtroppo è iniziata l'operetta e la retorica ha preso il sopravvento: il presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano che si cosparge il capo di cenere davanti ai genitori dei piccoli e dice " Questa è una tragedia che pesa su tutti noi ", il sindaco della capitale Gianni Alemanno che afferma " Il trasferimento in the new field has been blocked by the Superintendent ", with the bureaucrats who reject bounce to the sender with a" Never hampered the City. "But it goes further. Again Napolitano ruled that the president must give" decent housing Roma "and the commissioner of human rights Pietro Marcenaro sighs that" For 50 years, the nomads have no rights, even those of water and light "and so on. beautiful words, if we are right, but out of place . A house must have all the decent, sure, but the first to have absolutely must be those who work and pay taxes, and Italians in precarious conditions and without a roof over your head, there are thousands. It 's a habit, therefore, to all italics respond to tragedies-and if you are involved in different ethnic groups is greater than the theater-with proclamations and solemn face against. Without wanting to, but certainly too high, it contributes more to dig the groove of indifference, if not anger, among indigenous and ethnic groups. What we should do instead to achieve a real integration, not just words, that is to teach in a community of civilized people, there are rules and laws to follow, is that good neighborly relations, as well as an honest job that allows equal dignity. The result of all this would lead to the killing of any Gypsy camp-which already has a sound and gloomy-related tragedies. Ma soprattutto porterebbe all'abbattimento di quelle barriere che da millenni dividono autoctoni e rom.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Viados all Italian, and Syndrome pm "Tafazzi"

Capita anche questo ormai nella nostra Italia da operetta, dove la " sindrome Tafazzi ", -trovare piacere nel martellarsi i testicoli- ormai ha raggiunto punte inimmaginabili. Ma andiamo con ordine. Alcuni giorni fa a Milano sono stati fermati due viados brasiliani mentre si prostituivano, e fin qui, " normale routine ". Alla richiesta della polizia di fornire i documenti, si scopre che sono due clandestini. Il primo, 26 anni, già espulso in precedenza, mentre il secondo, 38 anni, ha un ordine di espulsione in tasca per ordine della questura di Rimini. E anche here, " normal routine," since our streets are full of deported. So, thinking of being arrested-just as happens in other places, the two admit to being HIV-positive and being treated in hospital. So, two HIV-positive immigrants who beat the pavement. At this point the police would have to wear gloves and masks, load the two " guests and bring them directly to Linate, put them on the first direct flight to Rio e. .. bon voyage. The beautiful but arriving soon. " The prosecutor denied the arrest and expulsion of the two for much less serious health . Evvabbè, humanly agree. But at least be transferred to un centro ospedaliero senza possibilità di uscita? Ma siamo matti? L'Italia è un Paese " politically correct" per eccellenza, quindi, privilegiando la libertà individuale anziché la salute pubblica, i due sono stati subito rilasciati con " l'ammonimento a non prostituirsi ". Del resto la nostra legge, quella di " Tafazzi ", parla chiaro, perché rilascia il permesso di restare sul suolo italiano anche ai clandestini per dare loro la possibilità di curarsi, tanto più se nel loro Paese di origine le cure sono a pagamento e non come da noi a carico della collettività. Ma chi sono questi due? Lo hanno detto loro stessi: 300 clienti per person per month (!), For a turnover of € 250,000 year, of course all " tax-free." Two Loose Cannons and slaughter of infected, if we think that in Italy infected with HIV every day well 11 people, and among these, only two in Milan. Well, this happens even in a country of "Tafazzi like our ... Therefore, be careful from now on evenings extreme ... " famolo strange "....

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Regina, who died at sunset

Regina, 18 meters long and 35 tons in weight have tried the oasis of San Rossore to die, tried last attempt to survive in nature untouched. For this whale, therefore, its slow and placid roam the seas around the globe is over there on the beach of Marina di Pisa , before that stretch of sea where the past is bathed in the Italian royal family. They found some fishermen dying and nothing, despite the efforts made during the day is worth a tear to his death. It is said that "Queen" has followed with the eyes of the rescuers to move around her, aware of the futility of those efforts, finally letting go at sunset, when the horizon is tinged with red only Tyrrhenian Tuscan know give. A tragic end then, but also a complaint. E 'foolish talk of waves magnetiche che fanno perdere l'orientamento a questi giganti, perché è solo una subdola bugia per nascondere altro. La vera ragione è l'inquinamento dei nostri mari da parte della plastica, una situazione che ogni anno provoca la morte di un milione di uccelli marini e 100.000 mammiferi. Ma non è stata vana la fine di Regina, perché la carcassa del grande cetaceo, imbracata e posata su un enorme chiatta, è stata riportata al largo e poi lasciata scivolare sui fondali sabbiosi della costa, ultimo regalo alla vita per altre creature marine e in più, ultimo gesto di rispetto per questa "Regina" dei mari...