Carte di Bordo
The territory explored by creative overview expands the series with ship's papers.
brainchild of Anthony Taylor and curated by Paolo Pavan, the series is dedicated to micro-artists, architects, poets, events and Venetian landscapes. The publishing program includes a development in twenty-six small volumes, to document a "primer" creative in our area. The volumes are coordinated with exhibitions and happenings taking place at the shop / art galleries Illimité, in Mestre. Each volume will have more than a nature documentary of the happenings, a project autonomy: they themselves are, in fact, created as art objects, as their circulation limitata (cento copie) permette di fondere i caratteri più evoluti della stampa digitare con l’intervento ad arte sul volume, tale da dimensionarlo come pezzo unico.
Filo conduttore della rassegna, inoltre, è la caratterizzazione tematica delle opere esposte, ed in alcuni casi create appositamente per l’evento: la scelta del tema spetta comunque all’artista coinvolto.
Porte è il primo titolo della collana Carte di Bordo. La presentazione della collana e del primo volume è avvenuta lo scorso 18 giugno, presso il negozio / galleria d’arte Illimité (Mestre), in occasione della prima mostra della serie di ventisei che comporranno un abbecedario creativo del nostro territorio. La mostra rimarrà open until the end of August (except for the festive closing of the store).
The program will resume in September with an exhibition of photographs by Toni Lovison, focused on Walls, which opens Friday, September 10 at 18:00. Photographs of Toni Lovison portray snapshots of contemporary urban landscapes, emphasizing color and movement forms. The exhibition will then remain open until Oct. 2.
In the following months, is expected to be present Camillo Bianchi (architect), Luca Schiavon (ceramicist), Alberta Life (designer, goldsmith), Piervirginio Zambon (architects, video makers, designers), Floriana Rigo (architect, sculptor), Andrea Pardini (painter) Piero Brombin (architect and designer), Alberto Andrian (architectural photographer), Paolo Pavan (architect, designer), these are joined by other artists in the months ahead.
The program is being defined: further communication will follow in order to specify dates and their related events.
Info: 041.5044360
, Illimité (Mestre) Paolo Pavan
339.3211941, 349.7786771
curator Julian Adda, publisher
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