Prima de totu, scusaimì chi seu abarrau atesu de innoi totu custu tempus, dhu scìu chi fìais apensamentaùs po mei, sa beridàri e che.. seu unu pagu arròsciu.. Ma immoi seu torrau in puntas de pei, abellu abellu, po s'ammostài ita podit inbentai una bestia candu est strufudhiat..
Chi calincunu s'ara achesciài de sardu de mei adoperau, mi disprascit, but no deu Puru cumprendhiu s'inglesu, duncas ...
from the blog: Chronicles of Miletus
One of the monkeys who are sitting in Parliament had a mishap . One day, as the other monkeys were taking the branch from which are used to yelling, he had nothing to do and she started to sniff the ass to other monkeys on Facebook. The monkey was very bored and he plays around a lot. Because Facebook is an online idiot-proof, but not a parliamentarian, the monkey in question has somehow managed to break a rule of the site. You probably did something that is automatically detected from the system that runs the site and your account has been suspended. It happens, especially to those who use a tool that does not know. Above all, chissenestrafrega of losing the account on Facebook.
But the monkey in front of something that did not understand, he began to fidget, to pull pieces of branches and throw banana peels to passersby. He called all the other monkeys around and asked u n'interrogazione parliamentary . The monkey even threatened to Facebook do not know what reprisals. Listen:
was November 26 and since I can not understand much I nor many other people suffering from the same fate, let's see if someone will succeed at ministerial level. "
He does not understand what happened and the ministry should solve the problems of facebook account. Of course, in the name of all the poor people that has befallen the same fate (also happened to Aldo Nove, which like an idiot he started to change photos every two minutes and obviously has been suspended)!
But the worst thing is that the monkey is well justified:
I was there to kill time, with hacking the e-mail and Facebook. I've been connected a long time, and maybe I made too many possessions. But hell, at least warn you
He was killing time, the monkey. A spese nostre lui va su Facebook e poi va dai giornali a dire che stava ammazzando il tempo. E non è mica andato a leggere il regolamento che lui stesso, pirla, ha sottoscritto al momento dell'iscrizione e capire cosa ha fatto. Nooooo! Voleva fare l'interrogazione parlamentare e smuovere il ministero.
M'immagino la scena: il ministero (quale poi?!) informa la Farnesina, che informa Washington, che informa il governatore della California, che manda degli investigatori dell'Fbi nella sede di Facebook a interrogare Zuckerberg: "Scusi, ma lei il 26 novembre ha disattivato l'account di Salvini. Perché?"
E Zuckerman che stende le braccia, offre i polsi alle manette e si lascia portare via, vedendo i suoi sogni of a life destroyed.
The only good thing is that in a few years not even manage to know Facebook will be a difficult objective to survive without rummaging in the garbage. And, God willing, we will see these people pushing a shopping cart to the train station.
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