Sunday, September 3, 2006

How To Make Ceiling Drapes

The quake Giuliano Scabia

Giuliano Scabia books have the power to break up the spirit and body. You hoe inside spread generously fruitful seeds, making fertile ground and sprouting. His latest is no exception to the short but illuminating book, The quake, subtitle What is poetry? (Casagrande, pp. 93, € 11.50). In this work, Scabia, born in Padua in 1935, tireless man of the theater, writer and poet away from fashion and etiquette, says in fifteen writings, always ruffled by a joyous thrill of poetry, his travels in search of physical and mental a voice that knows how to continually renew and regenerate the infinite potential of language. As written by Joseph Brodsky in fact, he explicitly mentioned The quake, a sort of manifesto of poetic verse that gives the title to the book, "the birthplace of the poet is his language." For this poet, and it is certainly Scabia, venturing with her, fought with her, so unceasingly cultivates revives his deep tremor that breaks out when "the dry reinforcement of behavior / mind and complied, forced / falls apart. " Only if you grind the desert and barren language that more and more frighteningly us divestment of our innermost being, only if we open a crack in the rocks of the mind, through which flows with the force of an earthquake, "the highest survival rates of the tongue ' You can send forth a poetry capable of shooting "arrows pregnant buds" that awaken "The thirst for life in those affected."
Scabia The language is something magical, a kind of Holy Grail; prose What would the world be without children animals and plants it is even given the power to create things. Through the act of naming occurs because a constant, jubilant genesis.

In his quest for the Grail of the tongue, Scabia pursuing different tracks and sometimes it happens that those who have left suddenly appear, and started to walk with him. Traveling through the paths of poetry Scabia meets several companions, including St. Francis, Collodi, Ippolito Nievo, Borges, in the middle of a delicious literary fantasy, Tarkovsky Rigoni Stern, who directs the words of deep human relations and art: "I am humbly join in what he describes, I feel familiar. Walking in what he does. I respect him too because it's true - and not the misery and cynicism of many writers. " In written Meneghello and water Malo, Scabia instead tells of an encounter with Meneghello, in January of 1987 the museum Casabianca. No wonder the deep admiration for Scabia Meneghello, if you think that this in all his work, has made an uninterrupted "descent linguistic, imaginal and metaphysics, beyond the physical surface of the words in their back in above and below. " No wonder that even among the fellow travelers of Scabia there is also Zanzotto - star of the written For a portrait of Andrea Zanzotto - one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century, who devoted his life to exploration and reclamation of an inexhaustible language.
Inspired by all these traveling companions, Scabia chasing for years, courageous and tenacious dedication, the trembling of the budding poetry, keeping away from a culture that is increasingly encrusted, standardized and rigid, and by all those clichés, sadly rooted , who want the art only daughter of anxiety, melancholy, anxiety. For Scabia art is instead a joyous, uncontrollable dancing and game-like to that of a dog that runs and jumps here and there with a piece of branch in the mouth. As he writes in prose dedicated to Ippolito Nievo, art is "a return on themselves dancing and gain momentum for short flights having anything in your mouth which is a branch but it means something else in the company of someone who takes part in the game ' .